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Monday, December 30, 2013

Let's see your college diploma!!

Although I graduated with a double major(almost--6 credits shy of a BS in Psychology) but with a B.A. in English and 3 years of biology and science as a biology major(they called it "pre-med") I was asked by a Pest Control company, among other things:  "We'll have to see a copy of your College diploma."
I've never been asked for that document in nearly 30-years of sales success.  NEVER.

My parents received it in the mail when I had already moved to East Hartford, Connecticut and I'm sure it's available by request or online, but for a "pest control company?!!"  I was at that moment that I mentally, at least, walked out that door, never to be seen again!

As Woody Allen once remarked:

"You'll have to excuse me now, Fred.  I'm due back on earth!!"

"We've been told that we're worse than the C.I.A..." the hiring manager laughed.

I hope he's still laughing because that joke is over for me!


I'll be having a chat with a very Digital-savvy gentleman this afternoon at 3pm. His name is Josh Child.  I can't wait to explore the full universe of possibilities with his position.
I've tried in vain to get the suits in the radio business, especially my latest job, to expand their horizons but they kept to the mantra of:
"Radio is who we are.  Radio is what we do!"

I even offered the services of a full video production company and share examples of their YouTube-type videos for them.

I received a "beat down" instead."

What a lucky break that they didn't see it my way, or didn't WISH to see it my way.

This is why most of the major clusters haven't posted a profit since 2009.  And this is why they're doomed to the "dustbin of history!"  Sad and tragic, but woefully true!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Morning in America Again

The old saying goes that for every door that shuts behind us a new door full of opportunities opens in front of us.
The tragedy is that many people are so obsessed  or so focused on the door that has shut that they fail to notice the new door of exciting opportunity that has just opened in front of them.

I've learned a lot of things the "hard way" but one aspect of learning things the "hard way" is that you do truly "learn."

The ancient Chinese symbol for "crisis" is the exact same symbol for "opportunity" and so it is that in every crisis there lies an opportunity.

In this sense I've been given an opportunity to now work out of my home, "no running cars into the ground" as an old friend of mine, Mark Suthers, put it(He also works from home) and no being "judged" and "blamed" by some idiot who couldn't sell and has thus been presented as some sort of "guru" lording over the masses of lemmings beneath him.

The sick, egotistical bald bastard whom I've left behind will certainly, someday, "get his."  And I'm much better off in my life without seeing his face.

He'll be reminded of me and "get his" every week when there's an update on the specials for the huge supermarket chain I brought on board about a week before I left...
He'll "get his" as a half dozen salespeople scramble around and attempt to pick up the pieces of all of the long-term business I left behind.
He'll "get his" as various trade deals need to be pieced together from projects I  had in the works.

He'll "get his" as all of the accounts that I had in the works are chased down like a farmer trying to herd a range full of rabbits, running in all directions.
He'll get his as the on air personality. whose financial household I saved cashes in his $100 worth of free groceries each week as he updates the specials from the supermarket chain.  I've reached out to this man, both by e-mail as well by phone--yet he dare not "rock the boat" by replying to me, his family's grocery tab hangs in the balance and I can't fault him for being in any way associated with me---there's that bald bastard psycho who is obviously unhinged, based on the decision he made to terminate my career over a legitimate -e-mail reply to the business manager who wrote that my valid, yet kind of sarcastic e-mail complaints about my clients being poorly serviced and actually cheated, bordering on fraud, since we had taken their money via credit card but failed to deliver what they had paid for, was "counterproductive."
He;ll "get his" as he loses what I had in the works, was about to get in the works, and had future scheduled plans to place in the works.

And he'll "get his" as he loses all of the limitless achievements, successes like ones he so lavishly praised in front of everybody, that I would have continued to create for him and the company.

In short as he "gets his" he'll realize again and again, in so many different ways, just what kind of short-sighted lunkhead he was.  His and the company's loss, I've made my indelible mark throughout the entire marketplace!  I'm moving nowhere but onward and upward!

But you know something?  I clearly KNEW that going in and thus always, as a former sales manager and friend of mid put it, "had a plan B."

I'm truly lucky and as the majority of the people along the "Emerald Coast" phrase it, "truly blessed."
Your old friend and blogger,
Bob Curran

Friday, October 25, 2013

After being, as they say in the radio industry, "bounced down three flights of stairs and right out into the parking lot...on my ass!" I was bale to connect with a nationally-syndicated talk show personality who is on over 100 radio stations in syndication. He'll be picking up my health insurance payments, throwing me enough to pay my bills, and paying me a 50% commission on every national endorsement I can book for him, starting at $10,000 per month per new advertiser.

Yessss, the world is good to good people.  And Karma" is a force to be reckoned with for sure!

Ships of Fools

Well, I've had quite a few experiences since my last blog in the radio business.  A 62 year-old man leaped from his chair in Dallas, and fell to the floor on his knees, pounding his fists on the floor.  He admired to be diagnosed with ADHD, as did his sub-manager, and the both managed accordingly.

Most recently I worked for a psychotic bald gentleman with an ego the size of Chicago, who first praised me lavishly and said, along with other management members that I was doing a GREAT job.

"Thanks for that great hit you had in opening that supermarket chain, bob.  Thank you!  Thank you!  A day later at a "boss's day luncheon he sat right next to me and said:
"I saw several great hits from y in the system!!"
And indeed there is literally nobody in the radio business who can go out and "close" medical clients like I can.

I "closed" a huge Neurologist/Chiropractor only to have our "traffic" system not run their commercials for a whole week. Bad first impression and they didn;t hear their spots, they didn't receive any calls and so they cancelled'  A Neurologist/Chiropractic team.  GONE along with $20,000 worth of new business!

Then I "closed" a high end Orthodontist by creating a "theme' series called 'ORTHODONTIC INSIGHTS" in which even the doctor himself visited out studios and recorded a half-hour of raw footage in an interview and we were to edit portions into segments of 'ORTHODONTIC INSIGHTS."  $$30,000 in business and the same gal that blew off the Neurologist/Chiropractor's commercials began to do the same act with the Orthodontist.  It was only an on air personality who saw that something wasn't right and fixed it---not even his job---that rescued the second "Mistake."
When I justifiably complained to one select person in our business department, on behalf of my paying customers, where you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression, she elected to share my valid complaints with the bald bastard who was lavishing praise on me all week, and my female sales manager who had ended our last four one-one-one Friday sessions over the previous 4 weeks with:  "Bob, you're doing a great job!" and even exclaimed in front of the whole sales staff:  "Bob is DA man!" I was called into a meeting room with the head man and the business manager.  The psycho bald bastard waved my valid complaint to just one person-no names mentioned, and in private e-mail correspondence---i the air and said:
"Bob, we've decided to let you go."

The Neurologist
The Chiropractor
The supermarket chain
A Mattress Outlet Chain
and a High end Orthodontist--all with about 8 days and lavish praise and thanks and then....
let go...
It was the absolute best thing that even happened to me under the circumstances.  And the bald psycho?
He sent the whole sales force home immediately and most likely sat down in his office and put his head in his hands, knowing full well that he had just chopped of his arm to get rid of a hangnail.

There most certainly IS a thing called "KARMA' at work in this world!!